
Historians of occultism believe that the magical square (al-waqf or vafk

) was first introduced by the people of ancient Egypt and India believing that it represents a strong symbol that protects from all evil. For that reason they carried it like an amulet, and also carved the symbol above the door and all other places that they wanted to protect. Later, the squares were used by the Arabian astrologers for the production of natal horoscopes and therefore taking another important place.
The whole science about magical squares and seals (khatam) drains its knowledge from "ilm ul-huruf" which means science of letters.
These are only some of the 27 rules for the production of magical squares and triangles(waqf):
-One shouldn't eat too much, the stomach mustn't be laden with food
-One should avoid eating foods of animal origin
-One should avoid eating foods that have an unpleasant smell, like onions, garlic, etc.
-The things on which a waqf will be produced must be well taken care of
-For each waqf there is a qasem (curse, wish) and it should be pronounced during the creation of the talisman
-One should have clean clothes, clean body and a clean place where the waqf will be created. Also care must be taken that the material necessary for writing is in order (pen, ink, place where the inscription is made, etc.)
-One must face the holly city of Mecca.

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